The Fire Swamp

For four months I have been posting from the Fire Swamp while renovating a boat.

Fire Swamp UK 2023


Daily Diary Note. From 2020 until 2024 Storey Tarris created Daily Diary Notes on Instagram to record a moment of time. The project ended in June 2024.

Storey Tarris’s current project is Salaterre.

Daily Note

New Routine Added

A new routine seems to be making things a bit difficult for posting to Instagram. I am taking photos and printing them but they are not making their way onto Instagram. I will look through my photographs and add the missing days on the website.


Daiy Diary Note

I am adding a daily commute to my day so Daily Diary note is moving from the Fire Swamp to the cities around London UK

Daily Diary Note – Commute 2023 – Storey Tarris UK